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Opportunities to Discuss the Student Success Definition

February 13, 2017
Using existing campus documents, sample definitions and research regarding institutional conditions supporting student success, a draft definition of student success was collaboratively developed and is being circulated for campus review. The draft Student Success Definition is posted online along with additional information about how the draft was created.  
Feedback from the campus is essential in the development of this definition, and you can provide feedback in two ways: 
  1. Attend one of the following Student Success Definition brown bag lunches. The lunches will provide attendees an opportunity to learn how the draft was developed, understand key components that were and were not intentionally included, participate in discussion, and offer valuable feedback. All brown bag lunches will take place from noon to 1 p.m. in Kolligian Library in Room 232 on the following dates: Feb. 15, Feb. 28 and March 16. 
  2. Provide feedback online at through March 17.
Your feedback is valued, and we thank you for the contributions you make to ensure our students’ success!